KLTranslate – Bringing your documents to the international marketplace
For confidentiality reasons the exact references are not cited on this website.
- Maintenance manual for traction transformers
- Maintenance manual for agricultural machinery
- User, installation and maintenance manual for milk cooling tanks
- Sales manual for agricultural machinery dealers
- Spare parts catalogue for agricultural machinery
- Online catalogue for card printers
- Online help for document converter software
- Localisation of simulation software for mechanical procedures
- Web pages of a business communications solutions provider
- Human resources training documents
- Training documents for service station personnel
- Information letter for oil company personnel
- Medical articles for a specialised website
- Marketing brochures in the following fields:
- agricultural machinery
- golf equipment
- speech recognition software
- document converter software
- Marketing documents for creative lighting
- Website on creative leisure
- Event press releases / Tourist brochures
- Articles for a modern art exhibition
[Testimonials (to come…)]